The rural areas of the Pacific Northwest region have been economically suffering for over ten years. The urban areas have been economically suffering for over four years. This book describes how we can create economically and environmentally sound jobs by utilizing our greatest natural resource in the Pacific Northwest region ? our forests.We can choose to embrace a future to create good jobs in our region that will withstand the rigors of global job outsourcing and improve our environment. Six points to economic securityPoint 1: The United States and the Pacific Northwest have a ?lack of good jobs? economic recovery.Point 2: Global outsourcing is one of the factors for the loss of good jobs. America is increasingly unable to create good jobs that are able to compete against low wages from Asia.Point 3: Over three quarters of Forest Service lands in Oregon and Washington are at moderate to high risk from destructive wildfires because of large accumulations of brush and small trees.Point 4: The federal government spent over $1.5 billion in both 2000 and 2002 to suppress wildfires.Point 5: Rather than spend increasing sums of money on wildfire suppression, the federal government should sell excess small trees on our public lands to reduce the fuels accumulation. The sale of the trees would generate funds to pay for more fuels treatment.Point 6: Private companies and public agencies would hire Americans to work in the woods to reduce the fuels buildup and to process the woody biomass in the mills and ethanol conversion plants. We could use the ethanol fuel to power our vehicles. We would reduce our 60% dependence on imported oil from the politically unstable Middle East and other foreign countries. We could produce more lumber to reduce our 30% dependence on imported lumber from other countries. We could reduce the threat of wildfires. We could also build up our forests to store excess carbon dioxide to combat global warming.
A lavishly illustrated revision of a top-selling primer invites readers to develop healthier, more environmentally friendly, and self-sufficient living skills that are less reliant on technology, in a resource that shares step-by-step ...
Explains how to transform readily available ingredients into an easy-to-prepare meal, introducing nearly one hundred original recipes for everything from lobster and corn chowder to easy sticky buns.
Back To Basics
Uses the latest methods to teach crafts and old-fashioned domestic skills and contains projects ranging from planting a kitchen garden to building a hot tub
In Back to Basics, bestselling author Caroline Taggart will provide readers with the opportunity to learn really useful stuff that was never taught in mainstream education, while also giving a refresher course on the main staples.
English Grammar: Back to Basics
The PGA champion provides a complete guide to the basic principles and techniques of golf, including lessons in proper golf grips, pre-shot routines, set-ups and alignments, strokes, and equipment selection
New York: Gordon Press, 1991. Wind Power: A Source Guide. New York: Gordon Press, 1991. Sun's rays Climax solar collector, patented in 1891, consisted of. Alternate Circuit breaker Generator backup power Batteries Control panel Inverter ...
Lear different tactics to play chess!
Chef Michael goes back to basics—with a twist! Back to Basics features 100 simple and delicious classic recipes, ingredients, and cooking techniques.