An autumn leaf is caught by a squirrel who uses it to line her nest for the coming winter months.
Explains the different stages in the lives of living things, from birth and growth to reproduction and death.
Learn about the life cycle of wood frogs.
An exploration of life cycles, this text is part of a series exploring the fascinating concepts covered by the life processes science curriculum.
Life Processes: How a Living Thing Stays Alive
How does an acorn grow into a tree? What does a baby sea horse eat? Discover the amazing stages of different life cycles and learn all about your favourite species with this series.
Growing and Changing: All about Life Cycles
Text and photographs provide a first introduction to plant and animal life cycles.
This series provides a first introduction to plant and animal life cycles, exploring how living things grow and reproduce. Readers will learn how new life begins and develops, with an emphasis on the cyclical nature of life.
This book follows the life cycle of a sunflower plant as seen through the eyes of one of the seeds.
The book combines these works with self-portraits and family photographs through the same period, adding the perspective of the personal and quotidian life cycle to a site that has world-historical importance.