Truth Decay - Revised and Updated: The Erosion of Traditional Values in American Culture

Truth Decay - Revised and Updated: The Erosion of Traditional Values in American Culture
Christianity and culture
Steve Hale


America is in trouble. Big trouble. While pursuing false gods, we have snubbed our noses at God by arrogantly immersing ourselves into a self indulgent lifestyle that has and is invoking the judgement of God upon the nation. Multiple studies reveal the overwhelming majority of America's population rejects any notion of absolute truth. Sadly, even within the Church 62% doubt the existence of absolute truth. America has been the most blessed nation on earth, not because of her natural resources, land mass, technology or military. By establishing the nation upon biblical principles, our Founding Fathers believed that "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord." However, blatant rejection of God, from whom we derive absolute truth, has shifted the nation's foundation from the timeless Word of God to the unstable sands or moral relativism.By "exchanging God's Truth for the lie," we are now a prodigal nation embarked on a journey that is taking us to a "far-off country" in which the average American feels much instability, insecurity, and uncertainty. Apart from divine intervention, we have chosen a slippery slope that leads to ultimate destruction. Rather than the White House, it is God's House that must repent of its own prayerlessness, perversions, passiveness, and pride. From natural disasters to economic collapse, God is trying to get the attention of America. Truth Decay exposes the moral slime that occurs when a nation exchanges God's truth for a lie. This book is a sober warning that while God is America's greatest hope, he is also our greatest threat.

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