Workers' Compensation Compendium 2005-06 Volume Two
The book discusses the all-important issues of fraud, modified duty, substance abuse testing and accident investigations.
Analysis for Its Second Century H. Allan Hunt, Marcus Dillender ... Liu, Hangsheng, Rachel M. Burns, Agnes G. Schaefer, Teague Ruder, Christopher Nelson, Amelia M. Haviland, Wayne B. Gray, and John Mendeloff. 2010.
In this major new work, Michael J. Moore and W. Kip Viscusi explore the question, "How are workers compensated for exposing themselves to the risk of physical injury while on the job?
Workers Compensation: the First One Hundred Years Course Guide: Workers Compensation Professional Certification Program WCP
Examines the performance of Pennsylvania's workers' compensation system, the major policy issues the system faces, and options that the commonwealth might consider to address these issues.
The Law and Economics of Workers' Compensation
In 1998, NASI convened a study panel of its Workers' Compensation Steering Committee (seep.145 for a list of panel members) to review the earnings replacement benefits under the variousstate and...