Making the Difference: Teaching and Learning Strategies in Successful Multi-ethnic Schools
Training senior house officers by service-based learning
Prepare for the year ahead confidently - become an effective planner and critical thinker, and develop your ICT skills Maximise on class-time - develop note-taking and learning habits that help you get the most out of seminars and lectures ...
In the UK, Kolb's (1999) Learning Style Inventory (LSI), Honey and Mumford's (1992) Learning Style Questionnaire, Riding's (1991) Cognitive Style Analysis (CSA) and Allinson and Hayes' (1988) Cognitive Style Index are widely used and ...
Packed with advice on how to get organized, train your brain, improve your memory, and give yourself incentives, this book will help you to develop excellent study strategies and find exactly the right learning method to suit you.
The Metacognition Handbook provides a clear, practical guide for teachers and school leaders to embed metacognition into classroom practice and school culture to enhance student outcomes.
Provides proactive learning support to enable teachers to give students the right kind of assistance and get those who are struggling back on track.
"This book offers teaching strategies that allow educators to provide students with authentic learning experiences that they can apply to their lives in school--and beyond.
Smart Study Skills: Save Time - Improve Results