Marine Mammals Ashore: A Field Guide for Strandings (J.R. Geraci & V.J. Lounsbury)in the hardcover formatis back! A comprehensive manual for understanding and dealing with a stranded seal, manatee, dolphin, whale, or sea otter, this book contains information for the interested beach dweller or student and for the scientist or marine resource manager. Marine Mammals Ashore describes rescue operations, how to organize a response team, and how to deal with the media and the public. It includes basic information on marine mammal biology, life history, and health, and an extensive bibliography.Marine Mammals Ashore also provides stranding network participants with practical guidelines for collecting data and specimens to better understand the biology and behavior of marine animals and the condition of their environment.All chapters have been updated and expanded, with emphasis on topics that include: enhancing network organization, public education, and media relations. natural and human-related mortality in each major marine mammal group. recognizing, responding to, and investigating unusual mortality events. new or updated protocols for specimen and data collection (e.g., samples for PCR analysis; basic guidelines for investigating possible noise-related strandings; collecting environmental data and samples; and a detailed protocol for examining marine mammals for signs of human interactions). zoonoses and other public health issues. updated overview of marine mammal stranding frequency and distribution in North America, with coverage extended to Canada and Mexico. overview of special topics provided by invited authors: disentanglement (Peter Howorth, Santa Barbara Marine Mammal Center, Santa Barbara CA); tagging and monitoring (Anthony Martin, British Antarctic Survey); and GIS applications (Greg Early, A.I.S., Inc., New Bedford, MA). close to 600 new references (and a few new carcass disposal stories!).The 372-page second edition features water- and tear-resistant paper, a vinyl cover, and durable plastic coil binding. There are even strategically placed lined pages for adding personal notes and contact information.
Thomson, D.H., D.B. Fissel, J.R. Marko, R.A. Davis and G.A. Borstad. 1986. Distribution of bowhead whales in relation to hydrometeorological events ... Trillmich, F. and P. Majluf 1981. First observations on colony structure, behavior, ...
This thorough revision of the classic Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals brings this authoritative book right up-to-date.
CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine, Second Edition is the only handbook specifically devoted to marine mammal medicine and health.
Attention has been drawn to the subject of how ocean noise affects marine mammals by a series of marine mammal strandings, lawsuits, and legislative hearings, and most recently, the report from the U.S. Commission on Ocean Policy.
This Book Is Meant For A Wide Range Of Readers Including Children, Wildlife Enthusiasts And Serious Students. A Significant Part Of The Book Is Devoted To The More Than 30 Species Accounts, Which Make The Book A Useful Reference.
This interaction is critically important when altricial cubs are born in the winter den. This book provides new insight into the ethology and behavioral ecology of sea otters and polar bears.
J Marine Anim Their Ecol. (2014) 7:5–13. Geraci JR, Lounsbury VJ. Chapter: GIS Applications, Marine mammals ashore: a field guide for strandings. In: Geraci JR and Lounsbury VJ, editors. MArine Mammals Ashore, 2nd Edn. Baltimore, ...
Marine Mammals Ashore; a Field Guide for Strandings. son, J.R., DeLong, R.L., Wilson, M., Lambourn, D., Hanson, B., Osmek, S., and Melin, S.R. (1996). Capture and Marking California Sea Lions in Puget Sound, Washington During 1994–95: ...
Interest in marine mammals has increased dramatically in the last few decades, as evidenced by the number of books, scientific papers, and conferences devoted to these animals.
Final report to National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Navy Office of Naval Research, and U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, Washington, D.C. Geraci, J. R., andV.J. Lounsbury. 1993. Marine Mammals Ashore: A Field Guide forStrandings.