Arts and Artisans Trails of Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard, and Nantucket
Michael's two B&B rooms. $–$$. Ellis Landing Cottages (508-896-5072;, off Ellis Landing Road. Open June to midOctober. Only dune grasses and sandy lanes separate these six cozy waterfront cottages from the bay.
Describes the towns and local attractions of the three areas, and offers recommendations for hotels, restaurants, shopping, and leisure activities.
Allard Farm (508-896-8306), 68 Eldridge Road. Allard Farms is a seasonal farm and garden center with an honor-system farm stand open May through September. The staffed garden center is open May through June. GALLERIES Brewster has a ...
Fodor's Travel Publications, Inc. Staff Linda Cabasin, Mark Sullivan. On a summer day, expect to spend about 30 to 40 minutes driving from Brewster or Chatham to Eastham. For shopping, theater, and nightlife Orleans or Chatham are ...
MICHAEL'S COTTAGES Ellis Landing Cottages (5088965072;, off of Ellis Landing Road. Open June to midOctober. Only dune grasses and sandy lanes separate these six cozy waterfront cottages from the bay.
July and August $840–915 weekly for two; large cottage $1,495–2,045 weekly for two; off-season $ nightly. p Ellis Landing Cottages (508-896- 5072;, off Ellis Landing Road. Open June to mid-October.
Listing 190 galleries by town, this beautifully designed book also features an artist index with over 1000 artists & crafters cross-referenced to the galleries. This is the only artist index published in this region.
Although designed primarily for walkers and hikers, this book will also appeal to joggers and mountain bicyclists. The book is illustrated with photographs by the author, a professional photographer.
Take a beach break and admire the charming homes in Oak Bluffs, Martha's Vineyard.