Public School Hell: The Establishment of the Humanist Religion As State Church

Public School Hell: The Establishment of the Humanist Religion As State Church
Dayspring Pub Llc
Louis A. Turk


Humanism is the highly organized, international, atheist religion underlying communism. It has ministers and churches and religious rituals and dogma. Humanist ACLU lawyers defended communists during the McCarthy era; and, with the help of unjust and treasonous humanist judges are aggressively and effectively defending atheism and defeating Christianity in the courts today. In the U.S.A., Humanists declared war on Christians years ago, saying, ..".the battle for humankind's future must be waged and won in the public school classroom by teachers who correctly perceive their role as the proselyters of a new faith: a religion" called humanism (John Dunphy in The Humanist). Humanist minister Charles Francis Potter bragged that "Every American public school is a school of Humanism. What can the theistic Sunday Schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a five-day program of humanistic teaching?" he rhetorically asked. His implied answer was, Nothing! He was totally confident that Humanism would defeat and bury Christianity, and that Christians would not prevent it. Why was he so confident? Because Humanists successfully exploit a common weakness found in many Christians, a moral weakness which Potter believed Christians would not have enough faith in God to overcome. So far he has been correct. Humanists found their opportunity in the public school system, where the war in now vicious and intense for the hearts, minds, souls, and bodies of our children. Humanists are no longer a small minority, because for years now they have been extremely successful in seducing public school children into atheism and sodomy. Now hundreds of thousands of our children have been brainwashed to become our enemies also, rejecting God and Christianity, and demanding the legalization of sodomy and same-sex marriage, and demanding the passage of so-called "hate crimes" legislation to protect their sin from criticism. Thus Humanists are an immediate threat to freedom of speech and freedom of religion---to say nothing of the threat they pose as serial child molesters. This problem cannot be ignored without dire consequences. They are queer, they are here, and somehow we had better get them away from our children, or everything will be lost. The atheist education of humanism results in hell on earth now and hell in Hell later. There is a solution to these problems, and it is the only solution with any hope of succeeding. It is the only solution that has not been tried. But if Christians continue to be morally weak in that one area that Humanists exploit, then there is no hope. Facing that weakness and repenting of it is the only way out of our present dilemma. This book is for Christians and other theists who are tired of being defeated by atheistic humanists, and who now want victory, and are willing to pay the price to achieve it---because defeat is not an option when our children are involved.

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