Whether you're seeking investors for the latest start-up or simply looking for that competitive edge, this book will help you articulate and sell the complex ideas that dominate our technology-driven business environment.
... can't believe how disrespectful and rude you guys are . This is an adult and it is really inappropriate to tease her and talk back . " Even the teacher was shocked . Just as she figured , taking a stand solidified her place in the Geek ...
Every day, business people bore listeners with presentations that ramble on, make no clear points, and fail to address the audiences’ key concerns. This book lays out a plan for ridding the world of lousy presentations.
This book covers the five principles such as focus the message on the business problem, organise the message around three memorable points, show passion,involve your audience in the presentation, rehearse, rehearse,... rehearse.
The editors of GeekMom, sister site to Wired's GeekDad blog, offer a range of cool projects and parenting advice centered around raising kids in the tech age.
In the straight-forward manner that most scientists appreciate, Neil Thompson's Teach the Geek to Speakoutlines his proven process for helping you to shift your mindset about speaking in public.
The actor covers his life after leaving the television series "Star Trek: the Next Generation," describing the pitfalls associated with being a former child star and his decision to launch his weblog in 2001.
Joel Saltzman tells it like it is—with compassion, humor, and the “uncommon wisdom” of famous writers, artists, and musicians. Based on his popular workshop for the UCLA Writers’ Program, this is a program with proven results.
... Even A Geek Can Speak: Low-Tech Presentation Skills For High-Tech People TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION: Data Can Be Riveting If You're.
Ltd ) Penguin Books India Pvt . Ltd. , 11 Community Centre , Panchsheel Park , New Delhi - 110 017 , India Penguin Group ( NZ ) , 67 Apollo Drive , Rosedale , North Shore 0632 , New Zealand ( a division of Pearson New Zealand Ltd ) ...
-Three friends, two love stories, one convention---Cover.