Poetry. Literary Criticism. A wide-ranging gathering of 34 brief essays and 66 prose poems by distinguished practitioners, THE ROSE METAL PRESS FIELD GUIDE TO PROSE POETRY is as personal and provocative, accessible and idiosyncratic as the genre itself. The essayists discuss their craft, influences, and experiences, all while pondering larger questions: What is prose poetry? Why write prose poems? With its pioneering introduction, this collection provides a history of the development of the prose poem up to its current widespread appeal. Half critical study and half anthology, THE FIELD GUIDE TO PROSE POETRY is a not-to-be-missed companion for readers and writers of poetry, as well as students and teachers of creative writing.
FEATURING ESSAYS FROM: Barrie Jean Borich • Jenny Boully • Norma Elia Cantú • Rigoberto González • Philip Graham • Carol Guess • Jeff Gundy • Robin Hemley • Barbara Hurd • Judith Kitchen •Eric LeMay • Dinah Lenney ...
This guide is a must for anyone in the field of short fiction who teaches, writes, and is interested in its genesis and practice.
In The Penguin Book of the Prose Poem, Margaret Atwood rubs shoulders with Claudia Rankine; Lu Xun and Rabindranath Tagore take seats in the family tree above Seamus Heaney and Simon Armitage; and Czeslaw Milosz sits just pages from Eileen ...
Boyer, Anne. Garments Against Women. Boise, ID: Ahsahta Press, 2015. ———. “The Two Thousands.” Free Poetry 5, no. ... “If André Breton Were Alive Today He'd Be Spinning in His Grave: Surrealism and Contemporary Prose Poetry.
Here at last is a comprehensive anthology of one of the world's most fascinating literary hybrids. This strange sub-genre encompasses the history of modern poetry, from its beginnings in romanticism...
Contemporary Quotations on Poets and Poetry Dennis O'Driscoll ... oppressed, manic, depressive, manic-depressive, schizophrenic, a borderline personality, a psychopath, a sociopath, a nymphomaniac, addicted to sleeping tablets, ...
Poet Sage Cohen invites you to slow down to the rhythms of your creative process and savor poetry by: &break;&break; Offering explorations of the poetic life and craft &break; Inspiring a feeling of play instead of laborious study&break; ...
This collection of previously published short shorts by Emerson alumni celebrates the short short genre and the important role Emerson College's writing program has played in the history of that...
Gregory Robinson's ALL MOVIES LOVE THE MOON is also a collision, a theater where prose, poetry, images, and history meet in an orchestrated accident.
And we have F. Daniel Rzicznek, who finds “many centers to the world,” whose Divination Machine resists simplification into any one category. Rzicznek is a poet for whom “Everything / is a piece of the vision.”— H. L. Hix