One of Cooking Light Magazine's Top 100 Cookbooks of the Last 25 Years!
For more than 30 years, the Santa Monica Farmers' Market has inspired both renowned chefs and home cooks, making it a regional market with national presence. One of the largest markets in the state, it stands at the forefront of the national trend toward cooking with local and seasonal ingredients. For more than 25 years, Amelia Saltsman has shopped its stands, talked with its farmers, and cooked its magnificent produce for family and friends. The result is The Santa Monica Farmers' Market Cookbook, a celebration of the market's excellence and its hardworking farmers. What's the difference between white and green zucchini? What are amaranth, sapote, and ramps? With Amelia as your guide, you ll learn the answers to these questions and more. You'll also find advice on how to select and store produce, stories about farmers and their crops, chef and farmer cooking tips, and more than 100 of Amelia's simple, tempting recipes including: -- Fava Bean and Pea Shoot Salad -- Classic Tomato Soup with a Goat Cheese Swirl -- Black Cod with Green Tomatoes -- Roast Leg of Lamb with Oil-Cured Black Olives and Herbs -- Seared White Nectarines with Burnt Honey -- Meyer Lemon Sundaes with Cara Cara Oranges and Tangelos With a foreword by acclaimed cookbook author Deborah Madison, design by Ph.D, and photos by Hill Street Studios and Anne Fishbein.
Now in its sixth printing, The Santa Monica Farmers' Market Cookbook has received numerous accolades. It was named one of the Top 100 Cookbooks of the Last 25 Years by Cooking Light and received the Santa Monica Library Green Prize for Sustainable Literature, the Writers' Digest Grand Prize for Self-Published Books, and a PubWest Book Design Award. It was translated into Braille in the U.S. and Canada.
【得獎紀錄】 美國《史密森尼雜誌》(Smithsonian Magazine)年度十大食譜書。 ? 【專業推薦】 江振誠╱國際名廚 宜手作╱國民媽媽.暢銷食譜書作家 松露玫瑰╱烹飪書籍作者及譯者 ...
This was all news to me when I started out as a broadcaster , but my friend Lance Barrow changed all that . Golf fans may recognize Lance as the golf producer for CBS Sports . When I first met Lance he was a spotter for my partner ...
In its determination to preserve the century of revolution, Gale initiated a revolution of its own: digitization of epic proportions to preserve these invaluable works in the largest archive of its kind.
... Flusche, Andrea Robinson Frabotta, Nancy Leson, Sara Powell Dow Chrisman, Julie Kodama, Jennifer Brault, Melissa Aaron, Debbie Royer, Matthew Johnson, Kirsten Dixon, Sonia Carlson, Mary Pierce, Chris Duvall, Rachel Belle Krampfner, ...
2 把黨參~黃查宅~熟地黃~黃精~首烏洗淨,瀝乾水。 3 把竹絲雞放入滾水中滾片刻,耳又出,用清水沖去油腥血污。 4 全部材料放入鍋內,加入水後煲 2 ~ 3 小時,加鹽調味即可。 Tips :竹絲雞即烏雞'肉嫩脂少'營養豐富'是滋補強壯珍品:有補中益氣、添精益髓的功效, ...
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M&M巧克力是由法蘭克•馬斯(Frank C. Mars)與兒子弗斯特•馬斯(Forrest Mars)在1940年開始發展的。佛斯特在西班牙內戰時(1936-1939)看到西班牙士兵吃著包有糖衣的巧克力,而「糖衣包裝」就成了防止巧克力融成一團的好方法。要了解調溫,我們必須先了解巧克力 ...
据明弘治《徽州府志》(1502年)记载: “旧有胜金、嫩桑、仙枝、来泉、先春、运合、华英之品,又有不及号者,是为片茶八种,其散茶号茗茶。”在明代,徽州还产有一种远近驰名的松萝茶,明冯时可的《茶录》记述它的采造缘起说: “徽郡向无茶,近出松萝茶,最为时尚。
雞是日常居家舉足輕重的食材,雞翼更是其不可或缺的美食部分。雞翼不僅繼承了雞的優點,更將其發揚光大。雞翼肉質軟滑,製作簡易,烹調方法蒸、煮、炸、釀……多彩多姿,滋 ...
魚的品種非常多,不論家常便飯或宴會請客,都會以鮮魚作為材料,婚宴嫁娶、生日喜宴的酒席上,魚更是一道主菜。魚有很多種做法,可分為蒸、炸、炆、焗、煎、炒、燒等,而在 ...