The earliest traces of proto-human technology emerged over 2.5 million years ago on the African continent. Called the Oldowan after the famous site of Olduvai Gorge in Tanzania, these technologies herald a major evolutionary shift in the human lineage. The Oldowan: Case Studies into the Earliest Stone Age provides a critical look at early archaeological sites and their evidence. This volume also shows how a range of probing, multidisciplinary, experimental investigations - including experimental tool-making, comparative studies of ape technologies, biomechanical analysis, and PET studies of brain activity - help us evaluate this tantalizing prehistoric evidence and appreciate its relevance to human evolution.
西域游历丛书集斯坦因1900-1901年、1906-1908年、1913-1916年三次中国西部探险考古资料于一体,共15册(第一次:1-3册,第二次:4-9册,第三次:10 ...
西域游历丛书中的《重返和田绿洲》《踏勘尼雅遗址》《路经楼兰》《从罗布沙漠到敦煌》《发现藏经洞》《穿越塔克拉玛干》六册,是《西域考古图记》的整理本,我社于2000年初 ...
One of the reds from Bolton , of which there were three different shades , was analysed qualitatively by K.W. Stephens from the London Institute of Archaeology in 1976.19 It was found to consist of mostly iron with a small percentage of ...
... social as well as economic significance , and the distinctions drawn by Karl Polanyi and his collaborators between reciprocity , redistribution and market exchange ( Polanyi , Arensberg and Pearson 1957 ) have been widely followed .
Nippur: Excavations of the Joint Expedition to Nippur of the University Museum of Philadelphia and the Oriental Institute of the...
Features Nonportable material remains such as building foundations , wells , graves , and landscaping elements are referred to as features . Archaeologists give special attention to features because they are so highly informative about ...
In a discussion of Neanderthals , Taylor ( 1927 , 136 ) remarked : From 125,000 B.C. perhaps to 25,000 B.C. Europe was occupied by these folk . They had large narrow heads ( cephalic index 73 ) with over - hanging brows and retreating ...
2001 : P. Bartl , S. Erdil , K. Franke , J. Heigermoser , F. Kierzek , R. Krvavac , S. Kunz , T. Kutzner und C. Vögeli . 2002 : E. Alvarez , S. Erdil , A. Gökser , K. Franke , J. Heigermoser , B. Öğüt , F. Sachs , M. Wild ...
Looks at the development of an active relationship between the public and ruins as to how they can be preserved and used.
In Archaeology in the Borderlands : Investigations in Caucasia and Beyond , edited by Adam T. Smith and Karen S. Rubinson , pp . 111-27 . Cotsen Institute of Archaeology , Monograph 47. Los Angeles : Cotsen Institute of Archaeology ...