In this collection of short stories, Tastefully Simple founder & CEO Jill Blashack Strahan shares her life lessons as she molded her beliefs and principles - the laws of abundancy, magic and realness.--From publisher website.
First published in the US. Humorous guide for women wishing to succeed in business.
Top 新女性成功秘诀
Her banker advises Sandra , for the beginning of her project and for possible expansion later on : DON'T seek a loan unless the money is needed for specific business purposes that promise well . DO seek a loan if it helps establish the ...
Whitney Johns Martin still chuckles about the time she and her male business partner were meeting a Chicago investment banker at a Nashville restaurant . While Whitney was powdering her nose , the banker showed up , so the maitre d ...
Helen McPhee was very sympathetic . “ Don't worry , darling , she soothed . “ Once we're married , you'll have the bungalow , and a poky flat in a tenement in Byres Road bears no comparison to a bungalow in a beautiful place like ...
In the latter case, both changes can be positive or negative (Bailey, 1994). The following overview results look at the general correlation coefficients between variables that were presented in the questionnaire sent to women ...
Spiced with her own very special brand of humour, and with guest appearances from Drew - Tumbling Bay's trainer - and Maddy from GOING THE DISTANCE, Christina Jones brings her great storytelling gifts to a new and exciting romance that will ...
Sherer , M. , Maddux , J.E. , Mercandante , B. , Prentice - Dunn , S. , Jacobs , B. & Rogers , R.W. ( 1982 ) . The Self - efficacy Scale : Construction and Validation . Psychological Reports 51 , pp . 63-671 .
See also Power Forum on Current Events, 458 Fowler Equipment Co., 268 Fox Broadcasting Co., 68, 140, 522 Frame Technology ... Rachelle, xxxvi, 211- 212 Frito-Lay Co., 269 Frohlinger' s Marketing Report, Outstanding Newspaper Executive, ...
Mrs. Webster's Guide to Business