The triptych is reproduced here for the first time complete & in life-size detail.
"Put on the coffee pot, whip up a batch of muffins (yes, two recipes are included), and enjoy this thoroughly original tale.
As a result, he met with his followers almost daily, after morning prayer sessions, to discuss the Gita’s contents and meaning as it unfolded before him. This book is the transcription of those daily sessions.
Ranging over several centuries, this history of utopian thought describes the thinkers and the dreamers (and their visions of an ideal social order) who have left their mark on the thought of later generations
... earthly delights—those worldly pleasures that fulfil our baser needs. Unite this distraction with a dose of victimhood (my job is so hard, my finances so fragile, my health is weak, my relationships are difficult), and we can stay ...
... earthly joys. What good are sovereign power, worldly pleasures and even life to us, O Govinda? 33. Those for whom we would desire sovereign power, earthly joys and delights are here arrayed in battle, having renounced life and wealth ...