Words and Wisdom of Women: Selected Quotations

Words and Wisdom of Women: Selected Quotations
Charlotte K. LeBaron


Words and Wisdom of Women: Selected Quotations is a virtual mini-encyclopedia of thought and facts for women?a valuable source book for classes, lectures and workshops. It deals broadly and specifically with the many facets of women?s lives. It is packed with wisdom, practicality, humor, courage and a measure of spunk. It includes selections from the Bible, from philosophers, and sages; from the Founding Fathers, their wives, daughters and granddaughters. Gems that virtually cried out to be shared were gleaned from literature, both classic and modern; from the intellectual to the commonplace wisdom of simple souls. Words and Wisdom of Women is designed to bring a sense of equilibrium in an age that seems to have lost its bearing. It will enlighten inspire, refine and ennoble the feminine sex through whom virtuous qualities are so beautifully displayed. This is a book you have wanted, but couldn?t find. It is destined to be a beloved treasure to women dedicated to home and family. It is also one a man would want to give to his mother, sweetheart, wife or daughter?one he will also cherish. Words and Wisdom of Women is a unique book in a category of its own and elevates womanhood to its exalted sphere. It is a gentle, ardent counterbalance to feminism as portrayed today?a classic before the ink was dry. Twenty-nine years of extensive research into the wisdom of the ages, sets it apart, making it a book without equal in length, quality, and scope in women?s studies. From the time I learned that little girls grew up to become mothers, I was fascinated and intrigued by a woman?s place in life, even to the point of troubling Mother, wondering if I would be able to have children. In my growing up years I had begun to keep a mental log of biographies of great women, their words, and incidents in their lives that had inspired and motivated me. Actively collecting, seeking and recording was a natural transition. Following the counsel of the apostle Paul, I have sought that which is pure, lovely and of good report. I have gathered and gleaned information on this subject from the King James version of the Bible, from libraries, magazines, doctors? offices, wall plaques, journals and biographies; in airplanes, busses and homes. I hope that my book will bring a sense of equilibrium and direction in an age that seems to have lost its bearing. May it enlighten, inspire, refine, and ennoble the feminine sex through whom virtuous qualities are so beautifully displayed. Twenty-nine years of extensive research into the wisdom of the ages, sets it apart, making it a book without equal in length, quality, and scope in women?s studies.About the Author:Words and Wisdom of Women is the crowning literary achievement of Charlotte K. LeBaron. An articulate public speaker, she is active in church and civic affairs?women being her special subject. During the time of raising her nine children and teaching school for twenty-nine years, she gathered the selected quotations that are brought together under one cover in this outstanding volume. An avid journal keeper of her own varied experiences, she had edited two family historical journals as well as collecting and preserving other historical papers and photos. After attending the University of Utah she was married in 1951 and was widowed in 1981. In addition to being a grandmother, she also has great-grandchildren. She has visited Europe twice where she toured fifteen countries. Her hobbies include sewing and quilting.