Forty years ago, Neil Armstrong to be the first and Buzz Aldrin were the first humans to both land and walk on the Moon. This was a defining moment in history and aptly described by Commander Armstrong as One Small Step for Man, One Giant Leap for Mankind, clearly defining the magnitude of this achievement. But even more importantly, this was a defining moment for the United States, who had beaten the then Soviet Union to the Moon, thereby winning the Space Race, which was such a dominant theme of that time. This 40th anniversary book sanctioned by NASA can serve a number of other purposes. It can remind all of us what we were capable of doing and can still do; it highlights the many individuals who were involved in making it happen; and it can be a salute to all the other astronauts involved in the overall Apollo project and its many successes. Foreword by Dr. Buzz Aldrin. It's important that we reflect upon and celebrate our experiences, to learn from them and to push for more small steps and giant leaps. "One Small Step" commemorates the 40th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon Landing and all of those individuals who helped make it a success. It inspires us to keep dreaming and reaching while saluting the mission and those who made it happen. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do and that it will rouse you to take at least one small step of your own.
Only hours before hurtling back into the atmosphere did they power up Apollo again - not knowing if it had been fatally damaged in the explosion. Here is the story of how a potential disaster became NASA's finest hour
The dramatic story of Apollo 11 and its crew that undertook the giant step for Mankind.This highly accessible series explores key dates in history: what happened on the day and the background and consequences of the event.
British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data Malam, John First man on the moon. - (Dates with history) 1.Space flight to the moon - Juvenile literature I.Title 629.4'54 ISBN 9781842345948 To contact the author, send an email to: ...
Na Heitil Chuig an Ngealach le Apollo 13!
Describes the events leading up to the 1969 Apollo 11 mission to land on the moon, as well as the mission itself and its aftermath.
This book describes the details of the first actual moments on the moon and other highlights.
Recounts the flight of the Apollo 11 which led to the first men on the moon, and discusses the origins of the Apollo program, the experiences of the astronauts, and related topics.
In compelling photographs and terse, informed text, this book tells the story of time when the superpowers sought to make the heavens inseparable from the earth.
A fact-filled and captivating retelling of one of history's most famous space missions, publishing to coincide with the 50th anniversary of Apollo 13's fateful launch.
The First Moon Landing