Going Home is the record of a three-week cycling trip undertaken by a middle-aged man and his son, pedaling 2,500 kilometers from New Orleans back up the map to their home in Canada. For the father it was a brief return to the country that was his home for the first two decades of his life. For his son, it was an introduction to the country that had shaped his father. This book is about this land seen more intimately than is possible in a car. It is also about the people they met along the way: 'Saint' Cecil of Natalbany, Louisiana; Ma and the homebody farmer at Ma's Hitching Post in rural Tennessee; Dennis 'The Hustler' in Nashville; Rose and Albert at The Jam Factory in Louisville; the 'Third Brother' in Bowling Green; Jimmy of The Crow Bar in Sabina; Billy 'The Biker' on the Geneva Strip; and many others, all people that somehow within minutes (or hours) came to personify and capture, like apt images in a poem, the heart of America.
“Go hit the rack, Morgan. We have a lot to do tomorrow. You and Thad have a lot to learn and only a little time. You guys need to get on the road headed home as soon as you can.” He gave me a dismissive smile and turned back to the big ...
A young girl visits her grandmother in Vietnam where her parents were born and learns that she can call two places home.
With unique insight and unparalleled access, Peter Guralnick brings to life the people, the songs, and the performance that forever changed not only the American music scene but America itself.
It is the most personal novel to date from Zambra, the most important Chilean author since Roberto Bolaño.
In this invaluable guide and touchstone, New York Times bestselling author Jon Katz addresses the difficult but necessary topic of saying goodbye to a beloved pet.
Once or twice, Lettie announced she needed to take a break, and the two of them would go outside and walk the hills. ... After Abby left, Lettie cleaned her guest room and then went through the inn and house putting it back in order.
Purpose is to protect rights of nursing home residents and help residents make informed choices. ... Best Friends Day Center 859-266-5283 www.alzinky.org Provides support groups, library, and day care center with sliding 323 going home.
When Carlos and his family go home to Mexico for Christmas, he wonders how home can be a place he does not really remember, but he soon find himself swept up in the festivities and the excitement of his parents
Jamnis is actually taking us home. ... Clar had been thinking about what she would do first when she arrived home. ... going home? Of course, there was Jamnis and making reservations for two. She was overwhelmed by so many pleasant ...
They just find homes , places where people have gone away for the weekend , or homes that are empty . " " To throw parties ? " Clay asked , disgusted . He'd certainly pulled his fair share of shenanigans growing up in this town ...