E-marketing & digital communication channels have transformed the businesses in last decade. Many, who have outsourced their digital marketing relying on agencies only and those doing it in-house have achieved some kind of success. But as the markets & competitions have grown, the need is to implement another layer of e-marketing intelligence on top of these digital activities to achieve maximum results and get ahead of the competition. There is no publication other than this book that explains you practical methodology by explaining different scenarios with multiple tips and best practices of implementing e-marketing intelligence. This book also takes you to the journey from integrated marketing to E-mail, Search, Mobile, electronic PR and Social Media. It offers not only following innovative tips and tricks that you won't find in any other manual but much more to surprise you. [Marketing automation using the factory thinking approach. [Going green with digital marketing. [How to segment dead customer data in your CRM. [Promoting brand using E-mail marketing. [Successful deliverability and metrics for campaign management. [HTML rendering issues with Ms Outlook2007 and how to avoid them. [Mobile e-mail marketing. [SEM head and the long tail with bad, good and best examples. [SEO myths with keywords strategy. [Emergence of social media and its influence on consumer marketing. [Electronic Public Relations with Blogs. You can also learn and apply innovative tips and tricks on top of regular e-marketing process to become an e-Marketing Guru. This publication is also full of unique, rare and professional scenarios that a digital marketer may come across.
They and many others continue to live by the success secrets shared in this book every day. This book will help you take immediate control of your future.
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A leading-edge guide to mobile or multi-platform commerce.
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As Inevitable as Death: What Marketers Need to Know about Taxing E-commerce
LaGuardia , C. and Mitchell , B. A. ( 1998 ) Finding common grounds : creating the library of the future without diminishing the library of the past , Neal - Schuman Publishers , Inc. , ISBN 1555702902 .
This volume provides step-by-step directions for starting a craft business.
Students play the role of an advisor to Sally Sutherland, the majority shareholder of Finazz Inc., a newly created corporation. Sally created the idea for the software and made a prototype.
Clicking Cash: The Secret of Clicking Your Way to Millions
The field of electronic commerce has grown rapidly over the past few years. Major corporations and even small businesses are using electronic commerce as a channel of distribution.