The Disease of More chronicles the childhood, young adulthood and current life experiences of Eleanor R., a woman who overcame great odds to recover from the diseases of alcoholism and food addiction. It is the true story of one woman's journey toward becoming the person she always wanted to be, despite her disadvantaged upbringing and her early affliction with addictions that took her to places of extreme shame and humiliation. Eleanor is every woman who struggles with self medication through food, alcohol and things. She is a mother, a wife, an influential public servant in one of the largest states in the nation, but still, after 25 years, she must get up each day and be vigilant against slipping back into cravings and her fears that she does not have enough. This book is an inspiring story of surrender and ultimate victory. Every reader will discover nuggets of Eleanor's hard-won wisdom that drive home the truth of her journey and the triumph of her courage.
Thorn. Stitch. ------. When Glass climbs the back steps, she's sitting at her table with a teacup in her hand, as if she's waiting. The whole time he's there, she doesn't raise the cup once to her lips, and it's only late, ...
Gordon something . Gordon Liddy ... no , that's not it , is it . Gordon something Irish maybe . He was in Oklahoma , too . Even then he was somewhat pudgy . ” “ Oh , yeah , I've seen Oklahoma . I don't remember the guy's name , though .
Of Course You're Anxious
Problem Drinking and Alcoholism
Making Choices: A Personal Look at Alcohol & Drug Use
Ryan , W .; 19 , 130 , 318 477 Ryser , P .; 319 Pepperman , C .; 473 Phelps , D .; 306 Philadelphia School District ; 474 Pickover , B .; 125 Planka - Syroka , B .; 307 Plat , P .; 308 Pollack , B .; 16 Polzella , S .; 39 , 394 Pringle ...
Alcoholics Anonymous First Edition Reprint: By the Anonymous Press
Suffering from acute loneliness , O'Neill invited a New London friend of his youth , “ Ice ” Casey , to stay with him . Casey was an alcoholic who loved to reminisce about their boozing days ; within a week or so both men were hard at ...
A Duty of Care: Fifty Years of Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in New Zealand
A pamphlet which answers many questions about alcohol and alcoholism.