Edited by Michael Rush. Text by Catherine Morris, Irving Sandler.
This volume features essays on Hofmann's life and work by Helmut Friedel and Tina Dickey; excerpts from Hofmann's own statements; full documentation of his career (including chronology, selected bibliography, and comprehensive list of solo ...
In the original volume of Search for the Real, published in 1948, it was felt desirable to edit his writing as little as possible, nevertheless to present the essays in the most lucid English true to his meaning, printed only with his ...
Hans Hofmann in the Metropolitan Museum of Art
First edition. Media kit at www.colorcreateslight.com. "Hans Hofmann was a towering figure in mid-century American art. And this is an enormously important book about his essential role in American culture from the 1930s through the 1950s.
Hans Hofmann. By William C(hapin) Seitz. With Selected Writings by the Artist
With more than 100 illustrations -- approximately 48 in full color -- this innovative series offers a fresh look at the most creative and influential artists of the postwar era....
Hans Hofmann's art has the authority of pure vision. Van Gogh had that. Picasso has it. And Hans Hofmann also has a place with those giants who move straight into...
Hans Hofmann: Late Paintings
Published to accompany exhibition held at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, 20/6 - 16/9 1990 and travelling.