A reprint of the 1987 classic. Contains the essence of the logotherapeutic writings of Viktor Frankl, who noted that many readers report that they understand some parts of logotherapy for the first time after reading this book. Fabry wrote in the introduction: Many older therapies place responsibility for our difficulties on our early upbringing. Logotherapy is education to responsibility. Outside influences are important but not all-determining. Within limitations we have a say about who we are and who we want to become. Logotherapy maintains and restores mental health by providing a sound view of the human being and the world as we know it. It draws on the huge reservoir of health stored in our specifically human dimension-our creativity, our capacity to love, our reaching out to others, our desire to be useful, our ability to orient to goals, and our will to meaning. Logophilosophy emphasizes what is right with us, what we like about ourselves, our accomplishments, and our peak experiences. It also considers the qualities we dislike so we may change them, our failures so we can learn from them, our abysses so we may lift ourselves up, knowing that peaks exist and can be reached.
The Will to Meaning: The Foundations and Applications of Logotherapy
El hombre en busca del sentido último: el análisis existencial y la conciencia espiritual del ser humano
Tras las huellas del logos: correspondencia con Viktor E. Frankl
ha-Sheʾifah le-mashmaʻut
Wege zum Sinn: Logotherapie als Orientierungshilfe : für Viktor E. Frankl
意義的呼喚: 意義治療大師法蘭可自傳
Le dieu inconscient
Sê ja vir die lewe
Die Konzentrationslager Hitlers und Himmlers sind heute historisch, sie sind nur ein Beispiel für vielfach andere, neuere Höllen; und wie Viktor Frankl seine Lager-Zeit überwand, das ist inzwischen anwendbar geworden auf viele, nicht nur ...
Explains the fundamentals of logotherapy, describes its use as a treatment for neuroses, and discusses the feelings of emptiness found in modern existence.