For 20 years, Dr. Sandy Newmark has specialized in successfully treating children diagnosed as having "ADHD" using methods other than psychostimulant medications. Now he has put his best adivce into this book for all parents, educators and other physicians to read. He explains how to treat the whole child, not just the symptoms of ADHD, using safe and natural methods. For any child diagnosed with ADHD, even those already taking medication, this book will prove invaluable for their health, happiness, and success.
For any child diagnosed with ADHD, even those already taking medication, this book will prove invaluable for their health, happiness, and success.
Ever year in the U.S., over two million children are given the drug Ritalin to combat Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). Now, Dr. Mary Ann Block shows why Ritalin...
This easy to read book also contains ideas reflecting the life work from a number of educational and mental health professionals from various specific fields.
Parents, teachers, and counselors should know it's important to get feedback from your ADHD-labeled kids on what they need to control their behavior. “That didn't work so well today.
Thayer, J. F., & Brosschot, J. F. (2005). Psychosomatics and psychopathology: Looking up and down from the brain. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 30(10), 1050–1058. Torrioli, M.G., Vernacotola, S., Mariotti, P., Bianchi, E., Calvani, M., ...
After observing medical success using biofeedback training to treat epilepsy and other health/behavioural conditions, Doctors Castro and Hill began using neurofeedback (a sophisticated form of brainwave biofeedback) to treat patients ...
If ADHD does not exist, then what is causing these debilitating symptoms? Over the course of half a century, physician Richard Saul has worked with thousands of patients demonstrating symptoms of ADHD.
"Well, Jed," I say, "you've come here a couple of times and we have asked you lots of questions and you have played some games with Dr. Coakley-Welch, and now I am going to tell you what we've found out." Jed is looking at my rug, ...
However, the rewards far outweighed those challenges. Our sons excel at public speaking, win awards, are outgoing, and creative. If I had to do it all over again I would do it in a heartbeat. This is our life. This is our journey.
Now needed more than ever, this book includes fifty-one new non-drug strategies to help children overcome attention and behavior problems, as well as updates to the original fifty proven strategies.