This is an easy-to-read, comprehensive and compelling review of scientific evidence for Divine Creation-loaded with color photos and illustrations. This book is described as a "tour de force which strongly refutes the notion that 'science supports' the evolution/long age view." It clearly shows that evolutionary doctrine is not based on known scientific laws or the preponderance of scientific evidence but rather, it is built on false assumptions and poor science. Scientific creation, as described in the Book of Genesis, is perfectly consistent with all known scientific laws and evidence-the evidence is overwhelming and supports the reality of a worldwide flood and a young earth. Dr. Roger Gallop is a geologist and marine scientist with over 35 years as a geotechnical and biological consultant. He has degrees in geology, oceanography, and science education. In addition, he was an officer in the U.S. Marine Corps and is a Vietnam veteran. He has been happily married for 40 years with one son and grandson.
The Revised & Expanded Answers Book: The 20 Most-asked Questions about Creation, Evolution & the Book of Genesis Answered!
Melvin G. Kyle , an outstanding scholar , seems to support my basic premise as stated above : " The theory of this location [ i.e. valley of the Euphrates ) of the point of departure of the ...
God and Evolution: Creation, Evolution and the Bible
God and Evolution
Scientist, logician, chessmaster and author of the world's biggest-selling creationist book, CMI's Dr Jonathan Sarfati, relentlessly demolishes Dawkin's claims point-by-point, showing biblical creation makes more sense of the evidence.
Evolution and the Fall gathers a multidisciplinary, ecumenical team of scholars to address these difficult questions and others like them from the perspectives of biology, theology, history, Scripture, philosophy, and politics CONTRIBUTORS: ...
This is the story of a deep friendship between two men, and the twin obsessions that tore it apart, leading one to triumph and the other to disaster.
The Great Brain Robbery
Bone of Contention: Is Evolution True?
This book deals with all the important aspects of the creation-evolution question from a strictly scientific point of view, attempting to evaluate the physical evidence from the relevant scientific fields without reference to the Bible or ...