Have you ever wondered, dreamed, or dared to embark on unchartered horizons? The artistic masters of 15th and 16th century Italy certainly did! Their lives have led me on my own life of wonder and creation and I hope this book inspires you to take your own journey.Of all the old masters, Leonardo of Vinci is likely one of the most fascinating and enigmatic figures of all time here he is presented from a perspective unlike any others: from an active and practicing present-day brethren lost in America.Universal Man is an inspired and concise exposition of the life and times of renowned genius Leonardo da' Vinci and the Renaissance. Written by acclaimed contemporary artist, Richard Aliberti, a living descendent of Leon Batista Alberti, da' Vinci's early mentor. This book is sure to delight people of all ages, backgrounds, and walks of life. Universal Man takes you through an interesting and illustrated journey through what some scholars have called the most creative and productive period in all of history. From a glimpse at the formative years of Leonardo's upbringing, to his early tutelage in his Master Veroccio's studio, to his extensive travels to Florence, Milan, and elsewhere bringing him in contact with the statesmen, authors, and other geniuses of his time like the Medici, Luca Pacioli, and Boccaccio. This book will make a mark on your life, like da' Vinci has, on your soul which makes this book worth keeping to pass on to your descendants to be moved by as well. May you be touched by the hand and mind of da' Vinci like I have.
Antiguan artist and writer Frank Walter (1926-2009) was an eccentric character now considered to be vastly under-recognized.
This book is about one of the geatest and most influential architects and designers of the 19th century. Schinkel designed many of the great buildings of his native Germany; his architecture still dominates Berlin.
The Concept of Universal Man
Universal Man: Extracts
Universal Man
... Universal Brotherhood is the all-consuming ambition of his life which runs as a thread through the main incidents of ... man spiritually, it is essential to appease his hunger for food. Hence he gives stresses more on Divine compassion ...
What is this new knowledge? A consistent cosmogony is sorely needed for this newly dawning day of man's exaltation which is to come. Walter Russell spent a full seven years in writing this book.
A lively, wide-ranging pictorial history of muscular men around the world from the nineteenth century to the 1970s.
The events I describe in this book actually happened but I don't expect anyone to believe them.
Completed in 1173, The Book of Divine Works (Liber Divinorum Operum) is the culmination of the Visionary’s Doctor’s theological project, offered here for the first time in a complete and scholarly English translation.