Feng Shui for the Rest of Us: What You Can Do Right Now to Change Your Life

Feng Shui for the Rest of Us: What You Can Do Right Now to Change Your Life
Body, Mind & Spirit
Evolution Now Publishing Company
Gabrielle Alizay


Life’s Secret is Flow This book is thick and encyclopedic and has every Intentional Feng Shui cure known to humankind (according to Gabrielle Alizay). It is the scientific, long form version of Feng Shui, inspired by Black Hat Tibetan school of thought and written by Gabrielle in a humorous style—non-judgmental and realistic—because life is hard enough. This book is how to make things easier. In the flow. This Second Edition version, which includes added Mouth of Chi cures, is to be used along with Gabrielle’s latest book, Quantum Feng Shui: 9 Accomplishments to Promote Personal and Planetary Peace whenever you intuitively ‘sense’ that you need more wattage with whatever home and office renewals you have made. Originally published in 2005 by Writers’ Collective, this Feng Shui go-to guide is highly proclaimed as being ‘a book which takes the mystery out of how-to Feng Shui’ and has a detailed, thorough study of Feng Shui Cures, or “Amplifications,” that can be used in tandem with Quantum Feng Shui™ Accomplishments to take in your home and office to inspire major optimistic transformation on every level. In fact, every intentional ritual and action in this book will make your home and office even more of a microcosmic view of peace, health, love, abundance and bliss—and add potency to whatever Quantum Feng Shui™ has already activated exquisitely. This book is for the activist healer who wants more. No need to stand in line. It is all here. — “Feng Shui For The Rest Of Us by Gabrielle Alizay demystifies the art of Feng Shui and makes it a tool we can all use. With a healthy dose of humor and straightforward instructions, she shows readers how to put Feng Shui principles into practice in their homes for a more balanced and peaceful atmosphere.” - Martha Stewart’s Body+Soul magazine, December 2005 issue “Makes Feng Shui principles accessible for the average person!” - Denise Linn, author of Sacred Spaces “A down-to-earth guide to Feng Shui, one of the best to come along in years. If you want to change any aspect of your life, this book is all you need. Terrific!” - Denise Osborne, author of The Feng Shui Mystery Series

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