O America!: A Manifesto on Liberty

O America!: A Manifesto on Liberty
Jeter Press
Derrick G. Jeter


Liberty should be the great aim of government. So thought Thomas Jefferson. But today, with ever increasing debts and deficits, and an ever intrusive and bloated bureaucracy, liberty for the average American is more a sentiment of a bygone era than a reality for the twenty-first century. To be sure, America remains the beacon of freedom for a liberty-less world but, as Derrick G. Jeter argues in this provocative and challenging pamphlet, Americans today are less free than were our forefathers. Derrick contends that America is at a crossroads. Will we return to the ideas of our Founders, who believed in limited government and near unlimited liberty, or will we walk down a path laid out by those who favor near unlimited government and limited liberty? If we choose the one and not the other we run the very real risk of losing liberty, for ourselves and our children-and once lost, it is lost forever. But the choice is ours to make. If we hope to make the right one then we must act with wisdom and with courage. And this is no simple task. In O America : A Manifesto on Liberty, Derrick uses history as a guide, both American and ancient. In this pamphlet he articulates a plan of action that calls upon the wisdom of the past to encourage us to be brave and to live free in the present.