There is no contradiction between faith and reason, argues Father Robert Spitzer. This series of presentations, based on Spitzer's book, explores what limits, if any, exist for scientific evidence and whether this evidence supports the notion of a beginning and design of the universe. The big bang, oscillating universe, and multiverse theories are addressed, as are questions on: the place of science in the Bible; man's origin by evolutionary processes; survival of human consciousness after death; the possibility of extraterrestrial life. The accompanying study guide includes further explorations of the themes Spitzer presents in the DVD series, a glossary of scientific terminology, findings from scientific studies, scripture passages and prayers for reflection, and recommendations for further reading.
Le chapitre 7 prédit la manière dont le tyran fera obstacle à l'observance de la Loi par les Juifs pieux , les " saints du Très - Haut " , et comment il tentera de modifier les dates des fêtes religieuses , dates dont dépendait ...
Cosmology, the Search for the Order of the Universe
The Shaping of the Earth
Quantum Cosmology and the Laws of Nature: Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action
“ A tout vent " in Battre la campagne compares the poem to a mushroom releasing its spores which scatter on the wind to begin new lives elsewhere and later ( Q 446 ) . At the end of “ L'homme et la bouteille ” in Fendre les flots a few ...
Fine reprint of the classical treatise on the Canals of Mars. Nice clean reprint.
Mars as the Abode of Life
Time's Arrow and Evolution
Two theoretical physicists offer a bold new study of cosmic history that posits that the so-called Big Bang was simply part of an infinite cycle of colossal collisions between our known universe and a parallel world, drawing on ground ...