Rohan Nation tells how survivors of biological warfare and electro-magnetic pulse fight to defend and reinvent America. The disasters that lead to the collapse of the U.S. in 2020 and billions of deaths worldwide are based on sound research and analysis, the predictable results of on-going mistakes. ACE, the teenage daughter of a family that prepared for the worst, and Justin, the young refugee she captures who becomes her cavalry scout apprentice, struggle to survive in a post-collapse economy where horses are key to survival. Despite the dismal future forecast, Rohan Nation: Reinventing America after the 2020 Collapse provides an uplifting story of love and hope as ACE and Justin pursue their youthful romance while defending their community and rebuilding a responsible society. Readers share in their odyssey into life's fundamental questions, moral and political issues, receiving powerful, moving insights into how we can live better now. The extraordinary story of survivors reinventing America will hopefully change the way people think and feel about not just politics, but how to lead their lives. ACE's wartime romance with Justin ultimately proves fertile ground for love's enduring miracle. While set as an action adventure, Rohan Nation is also a Libertarian political philosophy book, an "Atlas Shrugged" call for a new "responsibility political philosophy" to break the nation's addiction to socialist entitlements and return to Constitutional, strictly limited government, focused on security. The rebirth of America, realistically forecast, told as a future combat thriller, action adventure, romance novel. About the Author: Dr. Drew Miller researches and writes professionally for a Department of Defense think tank and serves as a Colonel in the U.S. Air Force Reserve. A USAF Academy and Harvard University graduate, Dr. Miller served as an intelligence officer in the Air Force, a business and Pentagon program manager, and an elected official.
Pearson CM, Mitroff II. From crisis prone to crisis prepared: a framework for crisis management. Acad Manage Exec. 1993; 7(1):48-59. 2. Mitroff II, Shrivastava P, Udwadia FE. Effective crisis management. Acad Manage Exec.
This updated edition includes a new Introduction and a new final chapter exposing frightening developments in recent years, including the black market that emerged in chemical and biological weapons following the breakup of the Soviet Union ...
In the Book of Revelations, the Four Horsemen herald the arrival of the Apocalypse. When the First Horseman thunders forth, pestilence will spread throughout the land. For the First Horseman is Plague.
Buku ini membongkar secara sistematik, sisi lain kejahatan kerajaan Amerika Syarikat yang membahayakan nyawa manusia seperti penghasilan zat-zat biologi dan kimia, sebagai contoh monosodium glutamate (MSG), aspartame (gula buatan) dan lain ...
This quick guide offers suggestions about how individuals can prepare for such attacks and what actions they can take during each type of attack to protect their own health and safety--and, possibly, their own lives.
Scott Sagan, “The Commitment Trap: Why the United States Should Not Use Nuclear Threats to Deter Biological and Chemical Weapon Attacks,” International Security 24, no. 4 (2000): 85–115. 71. Jasen J. Castillo, “Nuclear Terrorism: Why ...
The Brucellosis Triangle: From Frederick to Washington to New York
The brilliant new NSA Deep Black novel
A monumentally devastating plague leaves only a few survivors in a desert world who move toward the ultimate confrontation of good and evil.
By comparing the twelve cases, the book identities characteristic motivations and patterns of behavior associated with CBW terrorism and provides an empirical basis for prudent, cost-effective strategies of prevention and response.