About this book No more powerful transformation is available to a woman than that of the unhinderd birth of her child. As a woman's body opens to the life of her baby, so too is she opened to the rawness and beauty of woman-hood. At the culmination of an unhindered pregnancy and birth, a woman is left with an increased sense of strength and confidence as a woman and a mother. This often fearful and dreaded event of childbirth is largely misunderstood and shrouded in mystery. The harmful routines and common procedures performed during pregnancy, labor and birth more often than not strip the mother of her ability and right to birth spontaneously and with the joy and love possible. By lessening fear and increasing awareness, a woman is able to come through her journey of natural childbirth as a new and stronger woman and mother. The book Birth Unhindered will help increase confidence, peace and acceptance of this transformative time in life as well as allow the reader to participate in the journeys of other women just like her. Tara McGuire is a speaker and author on the topics of pregnancy, birth, personal growth and empowerment. She has a history as a Certified Childbirth Educator and CCE Trainer through Birth Works(c) Inc., as well as acting as a birth attendant. Currently, Tara co-owns and operates Epidavros Center for Wellbeing and Epidavros Yoga Studio with her husband, Don. In addition to these activities, Tara is a home-schooling mother of four children and surrogate mother to one.
"Unhindered Childbirth" is a passionate guidebook to our intuitive knowledge; a template for discovering our innate birthing strength; a channel to inspire a vibrant pregnancy, an ecstatic childbirth, and a beautiful transition into ...
This book gives a glimpse into the way God designed a woman's body to give birth... and it is sacred, intimate, and beautiful.
Grandma went to McDonald's for food for herself and Dad three or four times while we were at the Birth Center, and took hours and hours of video that we'll send ... and L. kept reaching in there and pushing it back over my head again.
The Power of Pleasurable Childbirth, beloved and praised by discerning women all over the world, simply states the truth about childbirth and what the body was made to do.
How likely is it that we will see such a reorientation occur in educational policy? That the necessary changes will begin top-down? How hopeful am I in this regard? To be honest, not very. It seems to me extremely unlikely, ...
... labor and birth. This is most empowering to the mother, and her baby and family benefit from this unhindered philosophy. This term has only been used since we have been “meddling” into the private worlds of each other, not realizing ...
... unhindered birth, and couple's birth. Many parents-to-be also forgo prenatal care. It is difficult to ascertain the numbers ... birth. Shanley notes that births options are a pregnant per- son's right, because: • • Birth is not a medical ...
"An impressive and deeply caring book . . . reveals a shrewd and compassionate sensitivity to women'¬?s needs in pregnancy and childbirth." -Sheila Kitzinger, author of The Complete Book of Pregnancy and Birth
Beyond what your lab provides, you should stock disposable items for urinalysis and pregnancy testing; collection devices, for Pap'smears; lancets, cotton balls, and Band-Aids for venipuncture; and glucosetesting strips.
The client may begin to expect her to make additional sacrifices during the time of the birth, postpartum period, or thereafter, ... Following practice protocols is an important way that midwives define and enforce clinical boundaries.