When you look into the happy, dancing eyes of your pet, you see a spark of love that warms your heart. These furry children give absolute, unconditional adoration to us--asking nothing but that we hug them, ruffle the fuzzy places between their ears, and give them a lilted-voiced, "Good boy!" or "Good girl!" We believe there is a bond between them and us that just had to be cemented by supernatural influence--by the Creator--and we've included Scripture to back up our contention. Do Our Pets Go to Heaven? is a book intended to explore the relationship between you and your pets...to, as far as possible, embrace the understanding that the death of those wonderful family members we love so much can be the door to a forever that is filled with unending love. The world of pets--for that matter, of animals in general--is a phenomenal mix of interaction and curiosity. This book presents some of the facets of those interactions and curiosities that we believe will cause you to want to keep returning to its pages time after time. The writers of Do Our Pets Go to Heaven? have poured much of ourselves into this volume. It is an investment of love we want to share with you, who we know also love your furry family members with all your hearts.
Do Pets Go to Heaven?: Now There's Evidence You Can Believe In
Reveals how pets fit into the afterlife, offering comfort for bereaved pet owners while sharing uplifting tales about pets who continue their relationship with their human companions after death.
Do Dogs Go to Heaven?: Eternal Answers for Animal Lovers
What will it look like? What is God like? What will we do forever? What about children and pets? This book will propel readers into an experience that will forever change their view of the life to come and the way they live life today.
Heaven and the Afterlife lifts the veil on eternity and reminds us that this world isn’t all there is. No matter where you are on your spiritual journey, this book will challenge you to seek what cannot be lost, before it’s too late.
Franciscan friar and popular writer Father Jack Wintz brings a love for all creation and infectious enthusiasm to the serious task of exploring answers to these long-asked questions, In Will I See My Dog in Heaven?
Steve and his wife helplessly watched their tiny dog get hit by a car. In the painful days that followed their beloved pet's death, Steve was led to ponder: Will we see him again? He searched the Bible for an answer.
Investigative author Lee Strobel offers a lively and compelling study into one of the most provocative topics of our day.
Don't we need a God-man Savior? A just-God Jesus could make us, but not understand us. A just-man Jesus could love us, but never save us. But a God-man Jesus? Near enough to touch. Strong enough to trust. A next door Savior.
Who Says Animals Go To Heaven? This book will show you some of the Ministers who said it! If you ever wondered if animals go to Heaven, this book will...