"I was the plaintiff in a case that resulted in a historic jury verdict and a series of legal opinions that influenced the practice of law. In 2002 I filed discrimination and retaliation claims against my former employer, a multi-billion dollar Wall Street firm. Rather than settle, I decided to search for electronic evidence that I was led to believe did not exist. Years of searching for electronic evidence resulted tn the issuance of landmark legal opinions. Known as the Zubulake opinions, they established precedents in the area of elecronic discovery (e-discovery)...My case was never really about e-discovery; for me, it was always about the underlying allegations of unfair treatment..." My book "explains what really happened and how I did what I did. It is a story about perservance, vindication, accountability, and justice." --Back cover.
Information Retrieval for E-Discovery describes the emergence of the field, identifies the information retrieval issues that arise, reviews the work to date on this topic, and summarizes major open issues.
This guide takes a proactive approach to discovery of electronically stored information.
Electronic Discovery and Records Management Guide: Rules, Checklists, and Forms
Electronic Discovery and Records and Information Management Guide: Rules, Checklists, and Forms
E-discovery in Canada
Managing E-discovery and ESI
Matthew Bender Practice Guide: California E-Discovery and Evidence
A resource for any attorney who deals with electronic discovery, this book covers multiple related topics, such as email, responding to e-discovery requests and disputes and mediation, ESI discovery in criminal cases, and ethical issues in ...
Wiles , J. ( 2007 ) : Techno Security's Guide to E - Discovery and Digital Forensics , Burlington 2007 . Literaturverweise auf Beiträge innerhalb dieses Herausgeberbandes Banaschik , Meribeth : Leitfaden für Unternehmensjuristen zur ...
"Intro text for eDiscovery for undergraduates in paralegal, criminal justice, or prelaw programs"--