Jobless and adrift in a workaday society he no longer recognizes, Greg is rattled in unexpected ways by the heartbreak in Haiti that clear January morning when he spots an unusual opportunity in the looped nightly news, something he can do - a small way he just might be able to help. Facing divorce and an anesthetized hereafter, Greg shucks tradition and packs his motorcycle, headed to a shattered country to unexpectedly find the one thing he's abandoned. "Refreshing stuff for us bookish riders ... A little Zen [and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance], a little Jupiter's Travels, fans of Pirsig and Simon will feel right at home." -Cycle Gurus "Montgomery's debut recalls aspects of Laurence Sterne, with an introspective protagonist both pursued and pursuing some great intangible, the destination secondary to the many digressions along the way ... The colloquial manner that Greg engages with his own challenges, from dropped bikes to sleepless nights, steers the book clear of heavy-handedness. Engrossing prose..." -Kirkus Readers may also enjoy the following: Jupiter's Travels | The Sea Wolf | Ghost Rider: Travels on the Healing Road | The Bell Jar | The Great Gatsby | The Road | Shop Class as Soulcraft: An Inquiry Into the Value of Work | The Motorcycle Diaries: Notes on a Latin American Journey | Gravity's Rainbow | Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance