This book tells the story of what happened, why it happened, and what was wrong with what happened from the perspective of an international law professor and lawyer who tried for over three decades to stop it and to promote a better future for Libya and the Libyans as well as improved, peaceful and better relations between them and the United States
A highly readable look at the role of the US and NATO in Libya's war of liberation, and its lessons for future military interventions.
Tharsika Pakeerathan, Swiss Council of Eelam Tamils, Switzerland 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Ibrahima Niang, Commission des Droits Humains du Mouvement Citoyen, Senegal Virginia Swain, Center for Global Community and World Law, ...
'Libya and the Global Enduring Disorder' argues that Libya's ongoing conflict constitutes an ideal microcosm for examining the salient features of this new era of geopolitics, especially its self-reinforcing nature.
advantage by rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed such as roads and bridges. ... Boyle, F.A. (2013) 'Destroying Libya and World Order: the threedecade U.S. campaign to reverse the Qaddafi revolution'. Clarity Press.
London: Thomas Dunne Books, 2006. Liu, Mingfu. The China Dream: Great Power Thinking and Strategic Posture in the Post-American Era. With a Foreword by Liu Yazhou. New York, NY: CN Times Books, 2015. Lofgren, Mike.
In this important book, former Special Envoy of the Netherlands to Syria, Nikolaos van Dam, explains the recent history of Syria, covering the growing disenchantment with the Asad regime, the chaos of civil war and the fractures which led ...
Libya: The Struggle for Survival
... 16 January 2015, http://www.reuters. com/article/2015/01/16/us-libya-security-idUSKBN0KP0VL20150116 Boyle, Francis A. (2013), Destroying Libya and World Order: The Three Decade U.S. Campaign to Terminate The Qaddafi Revolution, ...
Toward that end, Coulson permitted Ellison to call in the second third-party negotiator: Robert Millar. Coulson dispatched a plane to Oklahoma to pick up the Identity patriarch. He arrived around noon and was permitted to join Ellison ...
This publication covers global megatrends for the next 20 years and how they will affect the United States.This is the fifth installment in the National Intelligence Council's series aimed at providing a framework for thinking about ...