Call Center Management on Fast Forward is the most widely read book on call center/contact center management available today.
Chapter 5 Daniel B. Nickell quotes , sources : 1 ) Nickell , Daniel B. , Forecasting On Your Microcomputer ... Worksheets ( Sales , Direct Marketing , Customer Service ) , source : MacPherson , Gordon E , Jr. , “ Forecasting Calls ...
This book gives an accessible overview of the role and potential of mathematical optimization in call centers.
This book shows you how to get it all together and get it done, with expert guidance every step of the way.
How to evaluate the efficiency of your contact center operation, including key benchmarks and metrics relevant to process improvement, customer relationship management, knowledge management, human resources, workforce management, ...
Call Center Forecasting & Scheduling There is simply no way to establish and operate an effective call center environment without a solid understanding of the principles behind forecasting, staffing, scheduling, service level, queuing ...
This sixth edition now includes: A brand-new chapter on project quality A new chapter on managing media, entertainment, and creative projects A new chapter on the project manager’s #1 priority: leadership A new chapter with the most ...
"-RANDY RUBINGH Call Center Rocket Science gives practical, hands on advice for today's customer service professionals.
In addition, this new edition addresses many industry changes, such as the new technology that's transforming today's call center and the location-neutral call center.
Building Call Center Culture is a complete management book for every team lead, supervisor, manager and senior executive that supervises outbound and inbound sales and customer service contact centers.