Fin 001 - Personal Freedom and Finance: Short Foundational Discussions on Personal Economics and Finance for Today's Young Adults

Fin 001 - Personal Freedom and Finance: Short Foundational Discussions on Personal Economics and Finance for Today's Young Adults
Business & Economics
4t Nox U.


"The 'American Dream' cannot be achieved independent of independence." "FIN 001: Personal Freedom and Finance - Short Foundational Discussions on Personal Economics and Finance for Today's Young Adults" provides a series of topical discussions about defining financial success individually and what it takes to become independent in today's uncertain and complex world. Intended for a young adult audience (and those adults wishing to "reset" their financial path), it is not a how-to guide but a direct conversation to spur serious thoughts about finding one's passion and making financially responsible decisions, thereby providing emotional as well as practical aspects of obtaining individual (financial) freedom. By not setting personal and financial goals, and prioritizing time and resources, many people drift, failing to live a life that fulfills their dreams or even provides for their long-term financial needs. The financial principles in "Personal Freedom and Finance" are fundamental. From establishing a budget to contemplating a home purchase to planning for retirement, it introduces key concepts that educate readers and encourage people to take control of important life decisions. Unlike other financial planning how-to books, "Personal Freedom and Finance" is largely concerned with showing readers the importance of defining success on their own terms and developing basic financial disciplines necessary to achieve it. "Personal Freedom and Finance" easily connects with young adults as it engages their innate desire for individual liberty and recognizes their understandable anxiety over the unstable financial, employment, and housing markets. A primer in financial literacy and a motivational guide to grasping life by the horns, this book would make an excellent gift to anyone just starting out on their own or those looking to start over. "Financial prudence, diligence and discipline are keys to personal freedom. Very few young men and women set out into adulthood expecting to retreat back home or become wards of the state."

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