It took three decades for the United States government-spanning and working assiduously over five different presidential administrations (Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II , and Obama)-to terminate the 1969 Qaddafi Revolution, seize control over Libya’s oil fields, and dismantle its Jamahiriya system. This book tells the story of what happened, why it happened, and what was both wrong and illegal with that from the perspective of an international law professor and lawyer who tried for over three decades to stop it. Francis Boyle provides a comprehensive history and critique of American foreign policy toward Libya from when the Reagan administration came to power in January of 1981 up to the 2011 NA TO war on Libya that ultimately achieved the US goal of regime change, and beyond. He sets the record straight on the series of military conflicts and crises between the United States and Libya over the Gulf of Sidra, exposing the Reagan administration’s fraudulent claims of Libyan instigation of international terrorism put forward over his eight years in office. Boyle reveals the inside story behind the Lockerbie bombing cases against the United States and the United Kingdom that he filed at the World Court for Colonel Qaddafi acting upon his advice-and the unjust resolution of those disputes. Deploying standard criteria of international law, Boyle analyzes and debunks the UN R2P “responsibility to protect” doctrine and its immediate predecessor, “humanitarian intervention”. He addresses how R2P served as the basis for the NATO assault on Libya in 2011, overriding the UN Charter commitment to state sovereignty and prevention of aggression. The purported NATO protection in actuality led to 50,000 Libyan casualties, and the complete breakdown of law and order. And this is just the beginning. Boyle lays out the ramifications: the destabilization of the Maghreb and Sahel, and the French intervention in Mali-with the USA/NATO/Europe starting a new imperial scramble for the natural resources of Africa. This book is not only a classic case study of the conduct of US foreign policy as it relates to international law, but a damning indictment of the newly-contrived R2P doctrine as legal cover for Western intervention into third world countries.
This book provides an excellent case study of the conduct of US foreign policy as it relations to international law.
Argues that the expanded imperialist foreign policy of the United States, a policy characterized by a disregard for international law, is responsible for much of the world's view of the U.S. as a major threat to global peace.
Boyle puts the different policy initiatives under the general ‘legalist’ framework, and he makes sense of this period in the history of U.S. international relations.”-John Quigley, author ofThe Ruses for War: American Interventionism ...
He asked me to go onto The O'Reilly Factor TV program live that evening in order to debate Bill O'Reilly on the question of war versus peace. According to their plan, O'Reilly would argue for the United States going to war in reaction ...
This work tries to bridge the gap between international lawyers and those political scientists who write about international politics.
Tharsika Pakeerathan, Swiss Council of Eelam Tamils, Switzerland 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. Ibrahima Niang, Commission des Droits Humains du Mouvement Citoyen, Senegal Virginia Swain, Center for Global Community and World Law, ...
See also The New Intifada: Resisting Israel's Apartheid (Roane Carey ed.: 2001). Rome Statute for the International Criminal Court, July 17, 1998, UN Doc. A/Conf. 183/9 (July 17, 1998). But cf. Crosby v. National Foreign Trade Council, ...
All this will fail for the reasons so powerfully and eloquently stated in this book.
advantage by rebuilding the infrastructure destroyed such as roads and bridges. ... Boyle, F.A. (2013) 'Destroying Libya and World Order: the threedecade U.S. campaign to reverse the Qaddafi revolution'. Clarity Press.
London: Thomas Dunne Books, 2006. Liu, Mingfu. The China Dream: Great Power Thinking and Strategic Posture in the Post-American Era. With a Foreword by Liu Yazhou. New York, NY: CN Times Books, 2015. Lofgren, Mike.