77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids: A Guide for Catholic Families

77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids: A Guide for Catholic Families
PB & Grace
Jerry Windley-Daoust


Whether you are just getting started with family prayer or wish to broaden your horizons, 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids can help, offering practical, kid-friendly guides to Christian prayer practices both ancient and new. Features include:* Age-appropriate adaptations for young children, older kids, and teens.* Articles on a wide range of practices: Liturgy of the Hours, the Rosary, Contemplative Prayer, Daily Examen, Lectio Divina, Novenas, and more.* Talking Points...explanations of prayer practices that kids might have questions about.* Cross-references to the Catechism, Scripture, and church documents.* An appendix containing thirty-three common and useful Catholic prayers.* A quick-find index makes it easy to find prayer ideas, and doubles as a checklist to track your progress.* Expanded content and resources available online at Peanut Butter & Grace. "It's not easy to be a Christian parent, and it's not easy to pray. 77 Ways to Pray with Your Kids cuts straight to the most important aspects of these challenges, offering wisdom, humor, and a treasury of ideas. You're sure to dog-ear, highlight, and share this book far and wide." --Sarah Reinhard, author of Catholic Family Fun and blogger at SnoringScholar.com "... when it comes to praying with the kids, we need a guide that is practical, simple, and easy to incorporate. This book is that guide, and I cannot recommend it highly enough!" --Leila Miller, Little Catholic Bubble "Solid, creative, useful, practical and helpful." --Leif Kehrwald, Vibrant Faith Ministries

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