When the Going is Tough Following God is a full-time profession in which you are at the job 24/7.
Shows how to turn stress into laughter, coving such arenas in life as famly, business, money, and travel
6-lesson Participant Study Guide for the Daylight Series Bible Study Land of the Bible - Beersheba, Nazareth, & Capernaum.
This life-changing book will make a profound difference to the way you think and live.
Yisroel Roll offers spiritual and mystical perspectives on how to successfully cope with life'ss ups and downs, and how to achieve a richer, more satisfying life. The author draws upon...
When the Going Gets Tough, the Tough Get Creative: Training Yourself to Respond Positively to Life's Difficult Challenges
Drawing on more than thirty years of case studies from his own psychiatric practice, Dr. Frederic Flach reveals the remarkable antidote to the destructive qualities of stress—physical, mental, and emotional resilience.
Shopping Dot Grid Notebook An awesome Diary/Journal/Notepad to write in.
The purpose of the book is to show you how to acquire the 'psychological muscle' to cope with the vicissitudes of life in such a way that virtually nothing can floor you.
They tried to rough us up but there was no backward step. The forwards were so good and so powerful. As I've said, their training sessions were ferocious and it meant they were never going to face anything in a game that was harder than ...