Unsheathing his sword, Jamie, now in the form of the savage Cimmerian he worships, shouts to the would-be assailants. His voice is no longer soft and tentative, but a bellowing howl like that of an enraged animal.
Behind the Open Door, The Book of Light, is the first work in a five part series, unveiling the life of eight year old Cassie Murphy, a highly gifted and telepathic child and her invisible dog-friend Patrik.
Through the Open Door celebrates the accomplishments of the children of immigrants, and serves as a reminder that throughout the generations, joy, acceptance, heartbreak and loss are a part of every family's story.
Open-Door Living offers devotional reflections that help women remove the common stressors of welcoming others in their home, replacing them with the knowledge of the true heart of hospitality as well as some wonderfully practical ideas for ...
Not only daring in her themes, Latifa al-Zayyat was also bold in her use of colloquial Arabic, and the novel contains some of the liveliest dialogue in modern Arabic literature.
A celebratory anthology of works from Poetry magazine includes pieces by Adrienne Rich, Charles Bukowski, Isaac Rosenberg and many more.
The resulting volume is a celebration of idiosyncrasy and invention, a vital monument to an institution that refuses to be static, and, most of all, a book that lovers of poetry will devour, debate, and keep close at hand.
The Open Door includes traditional and innovative blessings, extensive commentaries and supplemental readings, contemporary additions like Miriam's Cup, women's and men's voices in gender inclusive language, more than 40 pages of ...
Scott, China and the International System, pp. 58–63; Hart, Eccentric Tradition, pp. ... 97–115; David J. Silbey, The Boxer Rebellion and the Great Game in China (New York: Hill & Wang, 2012), pp. 40–47. 87. Cohen, America's Response ...
See Trade Motion pictures, 159 Mott, John R.: reform work of, 20, 46, 86, 121; diplomatic endeavors of, 115, 117, 120, ... 50; discussed by Crane, 177 Phillips, William: and Rockhill-Straight feud, 42; and investment in China, 64, 132; ...
In this groundbreaking ethnographic study, Patty Kelly examines the lives of the women who work in the Zona Galactica, a state-run brothel in Chiapas's capital city.