Will the great innovations of the twenty-first century be American or Chinese? Who is winning the innovation race? And what are the implications for the people of other nations? There is a contest for technological supremacy occurring across the Pacific - a contest of historic importance, for its outcome will shape the world during the coming century and the winner will claim not just economic, military, and political ascendancy, but also superiority in their values and system of government. For those who grasp that technological innovation underlies economic strength, this book unravels some of the most important, but least well understood dimensions of American and Chinese competition. In a succinct, informative, and evidence-based manner, it analyzes whether China can match American levels of invention and innovation. Along the way, it draws conclusions for other nations caught between the Eagle and the Dragon - nations like Australia, Japan, and Korea - who are weighing the advantages of strategic alliances and trade links with both great powers. There has never been more a more important time to understand the implications of escalating American and Chinese competition. For those who believe technological innovation underlies economic strength, this book presents the facts in a straightforward but compelling manner.
Foreign Investment in the U.S.: Costs and Benefits
Does Offense-defense Theory Have a Future?
... Führung der USA 2003: Irak-Krieg 2011: Politische Veränderungen in der arabischen Welt Als sich 1990 der Kalte Krieg dem Ende zuneigte, notierte Peter Scholl-Latour: „Im Sommer 1990 ist die Weltpolitik grundlegend verändert worden.
本书通过议程设定, 经济监管, 以及对全球倡议的赞助三个方面, 叙述了霸权在国际秩序中的表现.作者们认为, 当今世界, 以上三个概念已经通过国际体系, 被欧盟, ...
本书分为七章,主要内容包括:引言;近代早期欧洲的锦标赛如何使征服成为可能;欧亚其他地区为何衰;根本原因:解释西欧与欧亚其他地区的差异;从火药技术到个人远征 ...
本书内容包括:欧洲的看不见的手, 欧洲的武器--法律, 欧洲的战争方式, 欧洲对国家民主的拯救, 地区多米诺效应等.
Levy, Jack S., and Michael M. Barnett. 1991. ... In Peter B. Evans, Harold K. Jacobson, and Robert D. Putnam, eds., Double-Edged Diplomacy: International Bargaining and Domestic Politics. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of ...
By contrast, this book recognizes the general need of all to relate, which they do through various imagined resemblances between them.
There is growing concern that U.S. power has been declining relative to the growing power of Russia and China.