This book presents a detailed description of each Australian land snake known to be dangerous, its distribution, habitat, behaviour, diet, breeding, venom and clinical effects. It also outlines many case histories of envenoming. It explains how to avoid snakes and what to do when one encounters a snake. There is a section on first aid and general sections on identification, toxins and clinical effects.
This book is an introduction to those fascinating and misunderstood reptiles - snakes.
The Ten: Deadliest Snakes (Topic: Death and Destruction)
Australia's Dangerous Snakes
Illustrated throughout with spectacular photographs, many of them the author s own, this book celebrates the diversity and beauty of snakes worldwide.
Describes in countdown format ten of the world's most dangerous snakes.
Poisonous Snakes of North America: CNAH Facsimile Reprint Series
Dangerous Snakes of Australia and New Guinea: A Handbook for Bushmen, Bushwalkers, Mission Workers, Servicemen, Boy Scouts, Migrants, Medical Practitioners,...
Explains the best way to deal with venomous snakebite and discusses Western U.S. venomous snake species and their natural history. Species accounts include key features, venom toxicity, length, photographs, and a distribution map.
All major and unusual venomous snakes, their range, habitats and venom, along with personal anecdotes (including snakebite stories) feature in this excellent book. Written by Mark O'Shea - one of...