This book contains the theological essentials for Lutheran educators and is written in a way which is not only understandable but can be applied in the daily challenges of school teaching, learning and planning. I strongly encourage chaplains, teachers and principals to read and consider these theological essentials to enhance their understandings, discussions and daily work.
Luther's Catechism: The Small Catechism of Dr. Martin Luther
Dekanat Weißenburg in Bayern: Porträt des evangelischen Dekanatsbezirks
I samtale med Dagfinn Hauge
Der Rausch täusche Leben vor , wo es sich „ bloß um die Röte und Erregung eines Schwerkranken “ handele ( S.5 ) . Treue , Mannesmut , Ehrgefühl , Verantwortungsfreudigkeit und Gewissen , alles sei in den Strudel hineingerissen .
D. Short Biographies of Heinrich Hansen, Karl Bernhard Ritter and Friedrich Heiler Heinrich Hansen He became a student at the Universities of Kiel and Erlangen and in 1887 a pastor in Schleswig-Holstein where he successively served in ...
Lutherans respond to Pentecostalism
Transformative theological perspectives
Bill Mosley believes the book of Revelation has had a bad rap -- while it has the reputation of being a gloomy diatribe about a terrible Day of Judgment and Wrath, it is actually full of action and praise of God.
... ( wie anfänglich vorgesehen ) zählte ; die Vorrede des fertigen Gesangbuches ist von folgenden Berliner Geistlichen unterzeichnet : Brescius , Küster , Marot , Neander , Ritschl , Schleiermacher , Spilleke , Theremin , Wilmsen .
503 WA 30 II , 527,14 ( Eine Pred . , daß man Kinder zur Schule halten solle , 1530 ) . 504 Vgl . ebd . 528,28 : „ das Pfarr - Amt , Lehrer , Prediger , Leser , Priester ( die man Kapplan nennet ) , Küster , Schulmeister und was zu ...