The Missing Pill is a comprehensive primer, one that takes you deep into the world of Energy Medicine, consciousness-based healing, and spiritual development. The is the book, the one long-absent in the world of alternative healing, which brings together all the elements required to have a foundational understanding of healing. Catalyzing one's personal experience, it serves to unravel the confusion encountered when a person first begins and subsequently journeys through the mystical world of energy healing and alternative healing practices. The book is written by a medical doctor whose life was transformed by a series of mystical and synchronous events, outlined in the book, which led him to discover the validity of an energy and spiritually conscious based reality. Presented in language that is conversational, entertaining and accessible to any reader - it aims to demystify the complex new age world of personal growth, spiritual development, and energy based healing. It makes it personally meaningful and accessible - so that anyone can understand and participate in it's potential! Written for healers, clients, and anyone curious to get a solid foundation in the world of alternative and energy based healing - this book is foundational. It explores why this is such a remarkable time on the planet, the transformation in health care, the energetic nature of life, the basis of healing through the human energy system, the role of consciousness and spiritual development in healing, and many of the incredible tools available to help anyone in their healing endeavors. Supported by this foundation, the book also introduces the work of Unity Field Healing ... a new healing paradigm based on the awakening "quantum understanding human DNA" and its relationship to healing and self-realization. Described as "a must read" and "right on time" by pioneers in the field of healing - it is your opportunity to catapult into the new world of healing and benefit from the gifts of this emerging time!
Ibid., 276; J. H. F. Piele, trans., William ofMalmesbury's Life of Wulfstan, 32-33. 3. Piele, William of Malmesbury's ... Herbert Thurston, ed., The Life of Saint Hugh of Lincoln, 399-409, 467-83, 565. 11. Daphne Stroud, “Miracles of ...
FOREWORD S ince its publication in 1985 , Kenneth Zysk's study of medicine in the Vedic texts has established itself as a ... in appendices : one thinks of Meulenbeld's Madhavanidāna , and Kashikar's translation of Jolly's Medizin .
It did not appear that he'd hitchhiked. On his trip from Iowa, he'd relied exclusively on truckers, yet no one appeared to have seen him at any of the truck stops within a thousand miles. Jake stared at the motley collection KAREN YOUNG ...
Fortunately , marrying had forced a move to another city and she wasn't yet working . She couldn't fight it , so she slept . For a year , Sharron stayed in bed , shuffling downstairs occasionally to huddle in front of the television .
This of course meant that the brain and the immune system had to be capable of communicating , a serious breach of the accepted medical knowledge at that time . Ader then enlisted the assistance of Nicholas Cohen , an immunologist also ...
God of Healing
God of Peace
Healing in the Second Tempel [sic] Period
The Pursuit of Wholeness: What it Means to be Truly Healed
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