“Indian Country” finds Turnbull sent back into the blue states to help those trapped inside resist a politically correct police state. As the progressive government ratchets up the violence, Turnbull must mold regular Americans into a fighting force capable of resisting the People’s Republic Army, led by his former US Army Special Forces mentor.
After winning an eight year legal battle, here is the controversial book that powerfully sheds new light on the plight of Native Americans. Matthiessen's urgent accounts and absorbing journalistic details...
The new book, America is Indian Country: Opinions and Perspectives from Indian Country Today, pulls together the best of the editorials and perspectives featured since 2000. Featuring a preface from...
This book traces the history of injustices suffered by American Indians from the beginning of white contact in the 16th century through the present, identifying five unique epochs of U.S. Indian policy.
In the beginning, North America was Indian country. But only in the beginning. After the opening act of the great national drama, Native Americans yielded to the westward rush of European settlers. Or so the story usually goes.
The mythology of "gifted land" is strong in the Park Service, but some of our greatest parks were "gifted" by people who had little if any choice in the matter....
"Barnett's Wife May Seek Writ to Get Husband," Muskogee Daily Phoenix, August 26, 1926. ... Telegram, Commissioner of Indian Affairs John Collier to Superintendent John W. Brady, May 31, 1934, Booklet Miscellaneous Departmental 1934, ...
In C. Rittner , J. Roth , and J. Smith ( Eds . ) , Will genocide ever end ? ( pp . 91-98 ) . St. Paul , MN : Paragon House . Ross , J. I. , and L. Gould ( Eds . ) . ( 2006 ) . Native Americans and the criminal justice system .
A comprehensive history of the achievements of leading Native American civil rights activists traces 200 years of legal and political campaigns while connecting the experiences of specific individuals to the stories of their tribes.
Michael D. Green, "Alexander McGillivray," in American Indian Leaders: Studies in Diversity, ed. R. David Edmunds (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1980), 41-63. 77. Mad Dog to James Burgess and the Seminoles, August 2, 1798, ...
Thanks to its focus on community responses that exemplify Indigenous resilience, persistence, and innovation, this volume will be valuable to those on the ground working with Indigenous communities in public and legal arenas, as well as ...