Learn how a simple five-minute phone call can reduce your debt—and other insider secrets for getting your finances back in order. Are you tired of being hounded by debt collectors? Are you sick of being behind on your bills? Learn the secret words that will get any credit card company to listen to your demands, whether you want a settlement, a lower interest rate, or any fees waived (including annual fees, late payment fees, balance transfer fees, and more). Entrepreneur and investor Tom Corson-Knowles owns a company that buys credit card debt and collects it. In this book, he shares what the banks and collections agencies don’t want you to know about how to settle your credit card debt at an 80% discount with a five-minute phone call. Having worked with hundreds of consumers in credit card debt, Tom has seen firsthand the mistakes people make that get them into debt and keep them stuck there. You’ll learn industry secrets that will show you how to legally get out of debt fast. While other so-called financial experts will tell you about debt management and budgeting, Tom goes straight to the heart of the matter—getting rid of your credit card debt once and for all, so you can go back to living a happy, peaceful life without the stress and worry of financial problems and debt collectors.
The methods I used to get out of debt are documented in this easy to follow guide. I've left nothing out of this book and it truly can help you get out of debt very quickly, so you can have peace of mind at the end of the day.
Here's just a fraction of what you're going to discover in this book that you simply will not learn anywhere else: * How to best take advantage of the most effective debt consolidation techniques - ideas to make your debt burden much easier ...
But it is possible to get that financial freedom that you want, you just need to become deliberate and serious about getting it done. The Ultimate Budget Planner: Money Management and Personal Finance Tips to Get Rid of Debt Fast!
Self-made money expert Bola Sokunbi developed Clever Girl Finance to meet those objectives. In this book, she helps you identify your personal needs, challenges, and relationship with debt. She demystifies investing.
In this book you'll learn how to use No-Spend Challenges to reach your financial goals faster and transform your spending habits to finally be able to stick to a budget.
Here, Carrie will not only answer all the questions that keep you up at night, she’ll provide answers to many questions you haven’t considered but should.
In this life-changing book, entrepreneur Tom Corson-Knowles shares his secrets to lasting business and financial success passed down by hundreds of entrepreneurs and millionaire mentors.
The Spender’s Guide To Debt-Free Living takes readers through a detailed step-by-step plan on how to do a Spending Fast and get out of debt, including: Creating a personalized Debt-Free Life Pledge.
The aim of this book is to: Identify debt triggers, and to help reduce or eliminate existing or potential influences.
Dave Ramsey explains those scriptural guidelines for handling money.