Discover Money Management Strategies That Can Save You Thousands of Dollars Each Year Effortless Savings is the ultimate guidebook to saving money without sacrifice. Perfect for readers of any income level or household size, it contains hundreds of painless suggestions that will make saving money easy and manageable. Richard gives step-by-step instructions to help you: Shrink your cell phone bill without compromising your call quality, coverage, or data speeds Lower your Internet and Pay-TV rates while maintaining your current service Reduce your utility bills with simple, energy-efficient solutions Minimize your grocery bills without clipping coupons or looking through sales flyers Save time and money by getting your prescription drugs delivered to your front door Slash the cost of automotive maintenance and repairs without getting your hands dirty See movies at nationwide cinemas, any time of day, for matinee prices Acquire discounted tickets to concerts, sporting events, and live theater Find the absolute lowest rates for airline tickets, hotel reservations, and car rentals "Effortless Savings is a practical manual on frugality and building savings. Richard's ideas are easy to read and even easier to apply. His end of chapter action points give readers an understandable road map to reaching their financial goals. This book isn't about complex formulas and calculations; it's about evaluating your time and using it to maximize your savings." Steve & Annette Economides New York Times best-selling authors America's Cheapest Family Gets You Right on the Money "Effortless Savings is also effortless reading, a light and breezy guidebook that can yield weighty results. Richard Syrop's tips often go beyond the usual which led me to highlighting ideas on nearly every page. Short but sweet, "Effortless Savings" will galvanize you to make numerous and painless spending cuts and live more abundantly." Lorilee Craker New York Times best-selling author Money Secrets of the Amish "Effortless Savings is full of tips that everyday people with regular expenses can begin using right away. This book is not for the black belt frugalistas who can squeeze each penny until it screams for mercy, choosing to live without internet or cell phones....this book is for the person with regular family-style expenses who wants to cut their telecom bills in half." Deborah Taylor-Hough Author of Frugal Living for Dummies(r) "Richard Syrop's book is absolutely the real thing! It's practical, simple, easy to read, and it definitely delivers. Open this book to any page and the advice given will be sound, easily-applied and effortlessly life-changing. Buy this book, and then get out your yellow marker!" JoAnneh Nagler Author of The Debt-Free Spending Plan "Chock full of money-saving ideas, Effortless Savings pays for itself before you finish the first chapter. A great guide for any cost-conscious consumer. Syrop's meticulously researched book makes saving easy." Jon Yates Author of What's Your Problem? "Effortless Savings is the economic Swiss Army knife you've been looking for. This easy to read savings manifesto will help you reclaim the power in your relationships with service providers, painlessly change your habits, and put a few more bills back in your wallet. An authentic life-hackers guide to the savings universe." Christopher Greenslate Co-author of On a Dollar a Day "
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Personal Finance, 8th Ed
Focus on Personal Finance: An Active Approach to Help You Develop Successful Financial Skills
This #1 market-leading Personal Finance text provides comprehensive coverage of personal financial planning in the areas of money management, career planning, taxes, consumer credit, housing and other consumer decisions, legal protection, ...
This #1 market-leading Personal Finance text provides comprehensive coverage of personal financial planning in the areas of money management, career planning, taxes, consumer credit, housing and other consumer decisions, legal protection, ...
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