Celestial Shamanism: Using Interstellar Light Codes to Find Your Authentic Path in a Shifting Human Paradigm

Celestial Shamanism: Using Interstellar Light Codes to Find Your Authentic Path in a Shifting Human Paradigm
Yvonne Perry


During times of great shifts on Earth, prophets and prophetesses have guided humanity in miraculous ways. These mystics, known as celestial shamans, have begun to appear in mass numbers as the old paradigm is falling away and a new reality is arising. You may be one of the starseeds in human form working with geometric symbols, sound frequencies, and interstellar light codes to embody spirit, navigate life from a higher perspective, delete virus programs in the collective, use creativity and spiritual gifts more effectively, know what you came here to do and enjoy the journey.Celestial shamans are starseed souls showing humanity what is possible when we remember our true nature and stop following dysfunctional trends and beliefs. Like ancient prophets and prophetesses, celestial shamans are on-the-ground liaisons for off-planet beings working through humans to perform miracles. In this time of great change upon the Earth, celestial shamans are being called into service. Empowered starseeds often gain wisdom and develop their healing modalities by intuitively following a trail of synchronic breadcrumbs. As a trailblazer, you have learned from experiences that may have caused you to wonder if you incarnated into the wrong family!