"An electric jockey with a juice machine, Eddie Donnally rode on racing's undercard, lived inside its underbelly and became a part of its underworld. From constant bulimia, broken bones and betrayal of Boston's infamous Winter Hill Gang, he depicts an unseen side of Thoroughbred racing. The five tons of his sweat that disappeared down 'hot box' drains was nothing compared to his struglles with sibling sexual trauma, same-sex promiscuity and an addiction to crack cocaine that in seven months took him from newspaper writing and TV show hosting to 'rubbing horses' on the backstretch. Supernatural redemption came in a jail cell. After 17 years of Christian ministry, he is a hospice and hospital chaplain."--Back cover.
Mcgraw-Hill-Glencoe Staff, Willa Cather. In his review of Death Comes for the Archbishop , Michael Williams wrote in The Commonweal : “ Her [ Willa Cather's ] book is a wonderful proof of the power of the true artist to penetrate and ...
... of all the goodes and catalles wyche late was John Coltman , clerke , decessed , mayde the v day of Maii the sexe yere of Edwarde the syxt and praysed by Stephyn Dygton , Rychard Robson , Rychard Jakeson and Andrew Robson .
SourceBook of Weddings
Dominie Dean: A Novel
1 Worden, 'Whig History', p. 233. 2 Worden, Roundhead Reputations, p. 102. 3 A Letter from Major-General Ludlow to Sir E. S. (1691) ; A Letter from General Ludlow to Dr Hollingworth (1691) ; Ludlow no Lyar (1692).
How to Support Your Pastor
PREFACE God's Country , the Gracewing Rural Life Anthologies , emerged from a sequence of conversations I enjoyed with Tim Cawkwell , Tony Hodgson and Mervyn Wilson , all leading members of the Rural Theology Association , a movement ...
“Oh,” said Willis, turning to the others. “He says heis not calling on his girl." Turner reached behind him for the door. “She wouldn't have him anyway, scared as he is to jump into a wave. Hey. Buckrniriisrer, you jump about as good as ...
The Diary of the Reverend William Cowan
Colonial Parson of New England