Topics are individually tailored for three age ranges–infant, toddler, and preschool–and include • the best read-aloud books to develop sound awareness • the perfect picture books for encouraging letter knowledge • ways to promote ...
Activities to Promote Your Child's Awareness of Print • Support your child's interest in letters of the alphabet in her environment. Letters all around are a natural place to start learning. Emphasize the first letter of your child's ...
Singer, Dorothy g., Roberta golinkoff, and Kathy hirsch-Pasek, eds. Play = Learning: How Play Motivates and Enhances Children's Cognitive and Social Emotional Growth. New york: Oxford University Press, 2006. Smith, Peter K., and Craig ...
This important book sheds light on family literacy practices that consider-and celebrate-students' complex and diverse home lives.
Includes CD-Rom Based on the authors′ own clinical practice and extensive experience in the field, this book is a creative and flexible aid to helping children with learning difficulties.
Provides practical strategies for developing children's early literacy skills, and contains information on phonological awareness, vocabulary, narrative skills, and more.
The recommendations of this book provide an opportunity to improve the quality of the care and the education that children receive, and ultimately improve outcomes for children.
A clinical neuropsychologist and test-prep guru combine cutting-edge brain science with insights from their work with families to make a radical case for giving kids more freedom to unleash their full potential.
... 66 Ellis, Libby, 231 Elmer's glue, 8 Emberley, Ed, 141, 143 Emily Loves to Bounce (King), 148 Endle, Kate, 119 Erdogan, Buket Mouse's First Fall, 25 Mouse's First Snow, 237 Mouse's First Spring, 193 Ericsson, Jennifer A., 70 Ernst, ...
Recognizing that informed, caring adults are critical to supporting early literacy development, Storytimes for Everyone! builds on the concepts introduced in the second edition of the Every Child Ready to Read® initiative to offer ...