The Wrong Kind of Muslim: An Untold Story of Persecution & Perseverance

The Wrong Kind of Muslim: An Untold Story of Persecution & Perseverance
Qasim Rashid


The Wrong Kind of Muslim is a call to unite those of all faiths and of no faith in the struggle for universal freedom of conscience. Since 9/11, terrorists in Pakistan have killed over 40,000-and counting. Often risking his life, Qasim Rashid journeys into the heart of that terrorism to unearth the untold story of those silenced by Taliban suicide bombings, secret police torture, and state sponsored religious persecution. Rashid exposes the horrifying truth about growing radicalism in Pakistan and its impact on Western security. But most importantly, Rashid uncovers the inspiring untold story of millions fighting back-and winning. EDITORIAL REVIEWS & CRITICAL ACCLAIM "A heartfelt memoir of Muslim-on-Muslim discrimination and oppression. A harrowing yet hopeful story of modern-day religious persecution." - Kirkus Reviews. The Wrong Kind of Muslim is the Recipient of the Kirkus Star, Awarded to Books of Exceptional Merit "In his adopted home of America, Qasim Rashid has experienced stereotyping and discrimination as a Pakistani-born Muslim. In his native home of Pakistan, Rashid and his family are subject to persecution because their Ahmadi Muslim faith is considered heretical by many in the Sunni Muslim majority. Rashid's heartfelt story compels admiration for him and a deeper appreciation for America's guarantee of religious freedom." The Honorable TIM KAINE, United States Senator "The Wrong Kind of Muslim is a significant and alarming book. It tells the story of growing religious intolerance in Pakistan, a nation profoundly important to American security, where the acceptable bounds of faith have become ever tighter in recent years. Victims of persecution have included Christians and Hindus, but also Muslim believers whom Islamists deem heretical. The book demands attention as a passionate call for peace and wide-ranging toleration." Baylor University Distinguished Professor of History DR. PHILIP JENKINS, Author of Images of Terror: What We Can And Can't Know About Terrorism and recognized by The Economist as "one of America's best scholars of religion" "The Wrong Kind of Muslim is a young American's personal journey into his heritage and religion as a vehicle into the history and ongoing phenomenon of faith-based persecution and target-killings in Pakistan - starting with a childhood bullying incident in Chicago. A compelling account, often painful, sometimes uplifting, told with honesty and humor. A must-read for anyone who cares about human rights, humanity, freedom of expression, thought and conscience, not just in Pakistan but anywhere in the world." Pakistani Journalist and Film Maker BEENA SARWAR, Former Fellow at Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard "The Wrong Kind of Muslim is an inspiring book that should be in every high school and college classroom around the world. It educates and motivates its readers, whether in the East or in the West, on how to overcome ignorance and extremism peacefully-even in the face of bitter persecution." President & CEO, Silicon Valley Education Foundation, MUHAMMED AHMAD CHAUDHRY, Leading Education Advocate "In one word, heroic." USA President Ahmadiyya Muslim Youth Association, DR. BILAL RANA,

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